Here is what the asbolicious one really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
...who earnestly seek to destroy my super defence case in the Crown Court in which all the other Marvel superheroes are going to feature. there will be Superdefenceman, Wonderstalkerwoman, Spiderstalkedman, Captain AsboAmerica, The HateblogHulk and others. There I will be avenged against my arch nemesis, the Oxo-land striumpahntiate.
(Ed. no.1 - yes dear)
in May, after which I should be acquitted of the false charge against me ( all things being equal......) See I will be aquitted of the false charges like my right to walk the streets and I shall be charged with my TRUE charges like stalking. That is how equal things will be. Heee heee hee hee hee.
(Ed. SHHHHHHHH me dear. Do not throw yourself upon the mercy of the court, that will be a very hard landing especially as there have been several things broken in the interim ... like ASBOs and promises.)
I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na- (Ed. ' snip')
For new readers: (Ed. no.1 - strangled noise) a great deal of what was happening to me when I was accused was blogged at my old deleted blog. Unfortunately I am in denial about this being a deleted blog. I have yet to face the fact a deleted blog is only cached by blogger for six weeks after it has been deleted. Sometimes they will turn off caching when that deleted blog has contained libellous material and was been deleted as a result of a court order. boo-hoo.
I am adamant that the deleted blog has been "temporarily suspended" since last October. The whole deleted blog was printed out by R&R They did this because R&R are a firm of human rights lawyers and this monumental important significant historical occurrence would be something that would be foremost in their minds as it is mine. I have a lot of typing ahead of me to restore it. If I knew anything about blogging, I would have saved the pages off-line or in Word (when I could have also ran them through a spellchecker) but I am as vapid as I pretend to be when it comes to technology. I once thought a search site was trying to send me a virus when I saw the pop-ups. Oh the laughable innocence and laydee-likeness of it all. I wear florals, have I told you that?
(Ed. oh we are so glad you mentioned your old blog, we thought you had entirely forgotten about it being suspended.... until we mentioned it here yesterday - you do read us, you do, you do, you do, oh such happiness and joy!)
The appeal is a complete retrial in a much higher Court. On this occasion, R&R will be there, (with sandwiches I hope) I will break the habit of a lifetime and be there, defence evidence will be there, and the witnesses for the Prosecution will be thoroughly cross questioned. I really enjoy the idea of seeing this. I think it will be like getting my counsel to do the stalking for me. Oh deep deep girlie feelings of happiness.
On the last occasion, I was unable to attend, due to being diagnosed physically exhausted by a bone doctor. Yes, you read it here, a bone doctor and I hope you are not pulling the same face of incredulous belief that the judge pulled last time as well. This time I may claim I cannot attend due to split ends or a snubbed toe. So many body parts, so many excuses. On the other hand I may rely on the old excuse of being exhausted, you will notice I am mentioning more and more that I am tired in my blog. That is called 'laying the groundwork' and as my blog is my defence. Oh clever clever me, no-one will ever see through this ruse. Hee hee hee.
Although my hard drives were confiscated in the context of an entirely different affair, on the basis that I stole documents and information from somewhere that I promised I wouldn't, I feel safe in blaming the same groups of people for all the stalking and stealing trouble I have got myself into. Like a fly I flitter from one heap of s*** to another. Like a cow, I create the steaming dung heaps in the first place. It is my only talent and boy, do I excel at it.
I may create the cesspools but that is no excuse for a mob of lawyers, doctors, the met, special branch, special trees, special gardeners, the media, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood and The Eagles and a whole other cast of thousands on the internet who are all out to get me to wallow in it. After all, it is not like my muck-raking has effected their lives is it?
Should be an interesting five days, in May, for sure. In the meantime, I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I have a secret, I am important, deceit and malice na- ( - ' SNIP!')
New Spell: atall, particuar
Remember, all you need is love!
Norma Jean
2 years ago