Thursday 6 March 2008


Here is what the deceptilicious lfj really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

In a change of tactics, I have decided to announce to the world that I really am in need of rest and recoup time when in reality (and here is the cunning bit) I am well enough to be able to be on the internet for hours at a time every day, sometime up to three times a day. Cunning eh?
(Ed. no 4747 – we are so happy to bow before your lies and call them the truth lfj)

Furthermore, I will be at the trials in May. How clever am I? I am doing what the stalker blog says it expects me to do whilst (and here is the top-secret bit) I am going to do the exact opposite. I am a genius. You read it here first.
(Ed. no.112 – That is certainly the first time we have read that ANYWHERE!)

I am just as a wasp as present, completely getting to everyone, buzzing in and out of the jams. I love the smell of jams. All wasps do.

Do you swat caterpillars? I think this is completely normal acceptable behaviour. After all, one day they might grow up, develop wings and turn into someone beautiful with a book deal and you know how I detest people with book deals. They are SO common!

New Spell: aswell, Afew, catterpillars

Remember, all you need is love!
