You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
You faithful lot.... So I am suffering from the twin encumbrances of a partially broken toe-nail and weak lifeless hair. I never talk about it you know.
(Ed. You are suffering?? why never mention this to us who adore you before?)
That doesn't mean I am not able to sock-puppet away like a mad thing. Fear not. It wouldn't have been right not to try to make myself look popular, would it? GIRLISH SMILE
I am, now, off for a real rest from sock-puppeting and leaving remarks on the blog of the ones who adore me.
Just had my first egg from everyone in the house, it is going to take me ages to wash it out of my hair. Bless them, they never tire of hearing me go on about my twin encumbrances of
a partially broken toe-nail and weak lifeless hair.
Norma Jean
2 years ago