Here is what the sympa-not-ic darling really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
It’s sunny and the nut-house wagon is en-route to take away the loon here who is making false allegations to the authorities about other people. What an invasive, sabotaging and harassing person. Terrible behaviour.
(Ed. no. 666 - How awful You of all people have had to put up with a loony woman, poor deal gentle soul that you are)
The stalker site chatterers and commenters have been saying that I am a complete witch for being heartless and inconsiderate towards those with mental health problems. HAAH! They are wrong I am not heartless and that other thing towards loons, I am jealous they are getting more attention than me. so put that in your kilts and smoke it.
All clinical psychologists who entered psychiatry using a degree in research from a college they had to pay to attend, laugh at people with serious mental health problems. Anyone who does not believe this is only jealous that I managed to become a top excellent brilliant beautiful unpublished psychologist without getting the doctorate that all other ordinary people have to get in order to enter the profession.
(Ed. no. 1232 – Thank you for educating me that now you need a degree in clinical psychology to enter psychiatry. I had thought needed a doctorate in clinical psychology in order to enter psychology. I know so little compared to you oh light of my life)
I won’t tell you the loons name, I am important, psychological and disorder na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I won’t tell you the loons name, I am important, psychological and disorder na-na-na-na-na and I'm not telling you. I won’t tell you the loons name, I am important, psychological and disorder na-na-na- (Ed. ' snip')
The their defiant hate and libel campaign by the mob of lawyers, doctors, the met, special branch, special trees, special gardeners, the media, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood and The Eagles and a whole other cast of thousands on the internet who are all out to get me continues but I am not BOVVERED. The fact I mention it every other post is just an indicator that I AM NOT BOVVERED, bovvered not. AM I BOVVERED? face bovvered? AM I BOVVERED? does my face look bovvered? I AINT BOVVERED! JE, NE, SUIS, PAS, BOVVERED. Did I mention I speak fluent French? I probably have a degree in it somewhere.
I really need a holiday but you need that filthy common stuff money to have one of those and in order to get that you have to get a job. Like NORMAL people. As we all know gentle readers (girlish giggle) I am NOT normal ;)
New spell: endeavors
Remember, all you need is love!
Norma Jean
2 years ago