In all her glorwee, bueatfeee and portry. (Ed. no. 345 - do you mean poetry??)
Someone so unworthy as I, what could I have done to be deserving of such attention from so munumental a woman as her. (Ed. no. 347 - yep, cider will do that for you every time, make you monu-mental, that is )
My love has shown herself true. She has looked at me from under fluttering eyelashes and bashful eyes. I am overpowered with happiness.
She knows and writes of me. Me, a mere satirist with only words to my name, she credits with having the power to divide the opinion of a mob of lawyers, doctors, the met, special branch, special trees, special gardeners, the media, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes and and a whole other cast of thousands on the internet who are all out to get her.
Not only does she write of me, she LINKS to me to make me as loved as revered as she is. She drives her friends and admirers to my humble doorstep that they may receive the warmth of my welcome as a mutual adoration society. (Ed no. 241 - no one has actually followed the link yet but we wait with overflowing wine bottles)
She thinks as highly of me as I love her. I am overcome.
Oh happy days. T'were I to die now, I would be most happy.
New spellings to adopt this week: afew, triumphalist, toats, commenters, bandwagoning, besy
Remember, all you need is love!
Norma Jean
2 years ago