Monday, 30 June 2008

Considered Pish

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

Emily Bronté, who I knows all about because I is bessie mates with her was not a romanticist(what, despite writing Wuthering Heights? - Ed. no 1) she was a looker. (Likkkkeeee MEEEEEEEEEE) In my world people frequent the Moors on a formal social level. Ohhh look an elephant with a tiger's mane. What do you mean ”what Moors"? Keep up!

Wuthering Heights is a study of Engulish psychopathy, I know this as I entered Psychiatry with a degree in Clinical Psychology from a Polytecnic.(sp) oh Yes. I may not be able to spell it and I may not know how to study it but I sure recognise it when it is in front of me.

Here is where I prove my reseeeercher (qualified des. res.) and wrrritting skills; There is a character with the first name Hindley in Wuthering Heights which puts paid to the theories of anyone unnamed who thinks that Emily (my bessie mate) wants anyone to become as Heathcliff. Naturally this means that no-one who wants the 'right to die' can be allowed to do as they are represented by faddy Human Rights lawyers.

As we all know MY humans rights are the only ones which count ... all others are faddy time wasting nonsense.

I have done so much to ignore other people’s human rights (like to be left the HELL alone when asked) there simply cannot be any time for solicitors to defend anyone except me.

Heavans above, if solicitors went about defending all those whose rights I violated, then there would never be anyone free to defend Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Unfortunately I lose bonus points here as I cannot find a reason in this theme for slagging someone off who nominated the Wicket Witch of the North for the “most Wizard woman” prize AND take a dig at someone who is friends with the founders of R&R, the latest in the long catalogue of my betrayers.

Never fear, readers, I'll keep trying!

Now, don't lose me here. I am going to compare the fictional jealous sadist in Wuthering heights with the first name of Hindley who tormented and beat the young Heathcliff with the name of a modern-day incarcerated child-murderer who has the second name of Hindley.

There is a lawyer in Wuthering heights called Lockwood who is the lynchpin of the story being told. So naturally, he is a faddist. All lawyers are you know, from fictional 18th century ones to modern day ones who cannot get convicted stalkers convictions overturned.


I have based my most excellent conclusions on the forty filmed and televised versions of WH available on youtube (have I mentioned that I have only recently discovered that wonderful site?) the amount of reseeeeeeeearch material there is startling!

Have I mentioned that not one of the producers of the 40 excerpts seems to have got the full essence of the WH story into the few minutes of clip I was able to view for each one (I wonder if that is because a Producer raises the money to get a film made and the Director and Writer decide on the content? - Ed.) It is so wonderful to have all that time on one's hands to devote to serious reeeeeesearch.


I can't find a way to link Stickert to Wuthering Heights so I will make one up based on some faded pictures in a dusty box. Shhhhhhhh.

Remember, all you need is love!



Tuesday, 24 June 2008


You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

Did you know the most accurate account of the crucifixion is to be found on youtube? No, well it is really. Although the Jeebus is all wrong, I know this as we are bessie mates.

Like him, I went through a gigantic mistrial of massive magnitude. Like him, I am a personality known throughout the blogger-planet-sphere-land. Like him, I am someone against whom there was a prolonged campaign of frenzy,hysteria and abuse. Like him, I revelled in a wonderful exposé of panic, cowardice, self justification, labelling and blame passing all round.(Eh??? - Ed. 23465) Like him, corruption was being pushed through. Like him, I experienced an excess of force and brutality, a focus on swift judgement and blame. Nothing about the business was calm and well considered, from the start to when I was picked up from the internet cafe where I was hiding having gone on the run. Naturally, this was just my grossly misunderstood my way of handing myself in.

In fact my experience was an even bigger mistrial than his measly little hiccup over 2000 years ago.

Direct quote: The devil is specifically a politician, he was never a jew.

There was sheer terrorism and violence involved in the entire process. I am hoping to prove it wasn’t me Guv by peppering my blog with half-researched blatherings about religion.

For instance I am sure that Ciaphas the Imperial Commissar of the Imperial Guard in the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe was a "pragmatic" defender of Jeebus. I have no idea that the correct spelling is Caiaphas and this man never tried to show the enemies of Jeebus that the son of Gawd(who lives in the fictional Heavyvan 50,000 and a 1/2 universe) had the authority he claimed. I also have no notion of the fact that this man, who I think praised Jeebus, was actually the one who paid a part in his death by arresting him, putting him to trial, finding him guilty of blasphemy and turning him over to the Roman Empire.

Don’t worry if you find my account of the last days Jeebus on Earth and all that went before that insifficent(sp) by comparison to what really happened. It is based on my ignorance, lack of reading, gross presumptions, bad spelling and a film trailer.

Like me, there is evidence of their enormous campaign against him throughout his entire time. There is evidence for this even though I have never seen a film about it.

I have spoken; let that be the end of the matter. End of.

I am the word of the Loude. The Special. Immortal. Queen of Blogs and undefeated in ignorance. Banshee. Dunce of Dunces. The harpy of the divine blogging-community. Let all who read me worship me or bog off somewhere else!

Remember, all you need is love!

Newspeak: jew, insifficent, buildup, banalises, Ciaphas (Caiaphas)


Monday, 23 June 2008

This hooey / Some more moans of harassment

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

I am going to attempt satire and fail drastically. It is going to be cringingly bad and a massive demonstration of my complete lack of understanding of the concept of irony.


The voices in my head and I spent some time together in the sunshine today.

I hate the tribute blog so much I am going to link to it. Well, with all the readers they get I might as well throw a few more their way. There are already two mad sockpuppets over there (modest blush) perhaps I can entice some more to follow.

I’ll put my ex-solicitors name and company in this post in the hope that * certain * people will email him and he will be able to see for himself that police squad, the wicked witch of the North, her cohort, the webbed man, ex-lawyers, doctors, the met, special branch, special trees, special gardeners, the media, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, Cambridge snail journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, The Eagles, Manchester United football club and the whole other cast of thousands on the internet who are all out to get me are all harassing me in a giant conspiracy against me.

Despite what the (upheld) conviction and ASBO say they are all making it up and I am the only one telling the truth. I am being harassed you know.

Imagine, these bloggers are so obsessed with me that they spend a whole 15 mins at a time writing satiric retorts to the compost I spew here. Some people spend up to 5 mins dropping by the site to read and post a remark. They are obsessed, obsessed, I tell you. I, who never go near the site (using my real name) only visit there about three times a day for up to an hour at a time.

I’ve kept my case commentary to a minimum. (Ed. No.1 - oh bravo, well done, you DO understand irony!)

To prove how little they influence me, I am going to delete comments from my blog. Let that show them how little attention I pay to them. (Ed. No.1 – how about getting a job, that would really teach us a lesson!)

I am not BOVVERED by the tribute site to me. The fact I am posting about it and linking to it is just an indicator that I AM NOT BOVVERED, bovvered not. AM I BOVVERED? face bovvered? AM I BOVVERED? does my face look bovvered? I AINT BOVVERED! JE, NE, SUIS, PAS, BOVVERED. Did I mention I speak fluent French? I probably have a degree in it somewhere.

People who are doing things for a cause only keep them up for about a month anyway. I know this because I have an extensive record in fighting for causes.

I've kept the more interesting posts. (Ed. No. 1 – where have you hidden them cos they ain’t on your blog?)

Did you know the Special branch, special trees and special gardeners are all out to harass me? It is because they are in a giant conspiracy with police squad, the wicked witch of the North, her cohort, the webbed man, ex-lawyers, doctors, the met, the mejia, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, Cambridge snail journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, The Eagles, Manchester United football club, the cast of the Blair Witch Project and the whole other ensemble of thousands on the Internet who are all out to get me are all harassing me in a giant conspiracy against me. Despite what the (upheld) conviction and ASBO say they are all making it up and I am the only one telling the truth.

I don't want my readers annoyed with that rubbish so I am going to link to their tribute site. Theeey aaaare not worth onnn’s time an’ affffort.

Do you like my middle-class accent? I‘ve decided to allow the middle-classes to adopt me now. Perhaps as a people busy working to keep a roof over their heads, they will stay too pre-occupied to notice I am a harasser (convicted and upheld) a stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator and an email and phone pest.

I now find myself head over heels in love with John Hurt to the extent where I cannot help but mention his name every comment I make.

Remember, all you need is love!

Newspeak:thse, obsessives


Friday, 20 June 2008

Blessed be this lickle blogger

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

I never make a fuss.

I never ever make a fuss. Did you hear me? I NEVER make a fuss. At all, ever.

I never even talk about how I never ever make a fuss. Did you hear me? I NEVER EVER talk about how I never ever make a fuss. At all, ever.

I never even talk about how I never ever make a fuss especially on the blogs. Did you hear me? I NEVER EVER talk about how I never ever make a fuss especially on the blogs.

N.E.V.E.R. E,V,E,R.

I am going to keep harping on about 'faddists with a personal and political agenda' because I am under the impression that my angry, fruitless, cricket-clacking in the distance is causing any of my accusers to spare a thought for my opinion. The way some of them are carrying on, you would swear they didn't give a hoot about my opinion. However I know different, this is because I am an ace researcher (qualified) and entered Psychiatry with a degree in Clinical Psychology from a Polytecnic.(sp)

Those bail conditions that Mr. Beardy has been given are a slap to someone unspecified's face. 'Not to contact Osama Bin Laden.' I have been told by a court of law not to contact or write about .... Special branch, special trees, special gardeners, police squad, the wicket witch of the North, the webbed man, ex-lawyers, doctors, the met, the mejia, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, Cambridge snail journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, The Eagles, Manchester United football club, the cast of the Blair Witch Project and the whole other ensemble of thousands on the Internet who are all out to get me by harassing me as part of the giant conspiracy against me .... but do I obey that? Do I hell! That is why I have the insider knowledge to predict that this Mr. Beardy will not stick to the terms of his release either.

So what if Judges only apply the law of the land? So what if someone wants something changed in the law and the correct way to do it is to gather like-minded supporters, lobby parliament and get the law amended? I have a better way, call for the Judge who makes any decision that one does not like to be kicked off the bench!

I DO have a type of personal agenda the political changes I am calling for. I hate Judges because they always insist on finding me guilty but I refute completely that the personal is ever the political. I am so feminine and complicated ... * sigh *

It is not fair that I got an ASBO for harassment (convicted and upheld) stalking, lying, maligning innocent people, slander, intimidation and being an email and a phone pest and he is merely put under house arrest (for being part of a murderous-bastard organisation - ed.) The message I am trying to get across is that I should not have been jailed or given an ASBO for harassment (convicted and upheld) stalking, lying, maligning innocent people, slander, intimidation and being an email and a phone pest.

A simple 16-year-old was wrapped in explosives vests and stopped by Israeli forces at a West Bank checkpoint. All the Human Rights Groups have ignored this fact. (Except Amnesty International -Ed.) All right, except Amnesty International, all the Human Rights Groups have ignored this. (Except Save the Children - Ed. no. 2) All right, except Amnesty International and save the Children, all the Human Rights Groups have ignored this.

Of course what I really want to do is belittle the London based Human Rights lawyer who nominated the Wicker Witch of the North for the “most Wizard woman” prize AND take a dig at someone who is friends with the founders of R&R, the latest in the long catalogue of my betrayers.

Who cares if she has no experience in this area and no published speciality in Children's law? Who cares if there are people with more experience in this matter speaking out instead? She did not speak out on this issue and that is the point.

Speaking out on a subject I have no experience in or context of has never stopped me!

In reality, I think using unfortunate children to make your point is an excellent and effective idea. Hell, I wrote a blog post on that basis but remember, the personal is never the political. E,V,E,R.

Remember, all you need is love!




You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

Here they are in order of usernames:

The stalkerlicious researcher comes in at first place with fjlfan, notafan, pathetic, goodgrief, notafanofyours, amused, disgusting, dull, reader, wackos, donkeys, fjlcommenter, otherfjlfan and you stupid ass. (14)

The "Naomi Wolf" "Electra On Azalea Path", "Pedants Anonymous", "AWD", "Another Woman's Daughter", "whoever", "Portia", "Lilly Pution", "MLN" and "GWB" comes in at second place. (10)

'Lemming of Legal (form. Legal)' and 'Legal Lemming' are the one and the same but I think haloscan cuts off their new username where they pretty much say as much. (2)

and that is all the commentators that use multiple alias'.

Thank you to everyone who entered, congratulations to the Winner. You only get to be sockpuppeting Queen with energy, drive, determination and loads of time on your hands.


Thursday, 19 June 2008

A-Drunk a-drunk o

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

It’s government artist day so I went to the pub. That is how worried I am about campaigning for terrorists to be locked up; I decided to get locked out (of ma teeeny wee miiiid)

Do you like my Irish accent? I‘ve decided to allow the Irish to adopt me now. Perhaps as people with a reputation for liking a drop of the stuff, they will stay too drunk to notice I am a harasser (convicted and upheld) a stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator and an email and phone pest.

The Dubliners in the pub were complaining because I would not stop singing. Finally they got me to shut up by offering to share some secret history of the Motherland with me. It is called seafóid Na hEireann and they only share it with very special people. Like little old modest me.

One red faced gent proceeded to tell me the following research that is so top secret that you can find no reference to it in books (or on the Internet) It is so secret that it will come as complete news to everyone in Ireland to hear it. The women who were with this man reacted very badly to his talking to a beauty like me. I am afraid my fabulous looks and the fact this man was sharing this TOP SECRET information affected them very badly indeed. One buried her head in her hands and issued strange coughing and groaning sounds while the other turned her back to us and appeared to shake and cry. To anyone else it might have looked like they were having hysterics laughing but I knew they were in the depths of despair.

I knew this because I entered Psychiatry with a degree in Clinical Psychology from a Polytecnic (sp)

Did you know the Irish name 'Molly' was a substitute for Mary, the latter being too English? No you didn't. Well, I bet that is because you were under the mistaken assumption that Mary is a Latin name. But now, I, thanks to my new contacts in the Irush secret service know different.

I am abandoning my friends in the English secret service because they have made friends with the Wicket Witch of the North and tell her their secrets. I have new friends in the seafóid Na hEireann now. (Note to self: Must research what that means)

Based on the revelations made by the ISS, I am now able to reveal that the song "Molly Malone" is really about Kitty Kelly. You might have just thought this ditty was just a drinking song telling the tale of a sweet Dublin lass selling cockles and mussels brought into Dublin bay by the Fishermen. You might have thought she did this job to feed her family (highly likely and typical of the times) HOWEVER. YOU. ARE. WRONG. Molly Malone was really the illegitimate daughter of a high-born nobleman. (His Mother gave birth on Mount Everest) Baby Molly was the result of a dalliance between this man and a woman of easy virtue. She grew up and sold her own body. Eventually she moved to England hoping that one day her life would be uncovered by a reseeeeercher (qualified) who would verify her existance and immortalise her in her research forever (modest smile) It is my deeply researched theory (unsubstainable by actual evidence) that perhaps one of her * Fishermen * friends(wink wink) brought her there. I refer you to the startling coincidence that the sweets of the same name were invented in 1865. Once in London, 'Molly' turned tricks in the East end, became the lover of the King of England and bore his illegitimate son.

Based on a conversation in a pub with the Irish Secret Service (Intelligence Wing)and a few sketches on faded bits of paper, I can reveal this to you lucky people. Expect the full story to be published in full to universal acclaim by the end of the year. (I am just not going to say which year)

Speaking of Dublin, it is a bay you know. It was once an Island just like Guantanamo but there was a desert storm which re-attached it to the mainland. That was what happened. I have spoken; let that be the definitive word on the matter. End of.

I am going to announce one of my usrtallasdcdf ....errr..... usuaalllllllll .....userall... erm... frequent breaks from blogging. So about the same time tomorrow then?

Remember, all you need is love!


Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Still more daft-isms

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

Everything that the Wicket witch of the North says is a reference to me, relates to me, is a dig at me or all three combined. Even though she does not mention my name nor acknowledge my pathetic existence at all in her blog.

Why won’t she write about me directly?? I am going to pull apart a statement of hers. Perhaps it will get me the reaction I so desperately want. That is all I want. I want to know she is paying attention. I want to know she is talking about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I am going to say that right terrors should be detained for 42 days. Not that anyone gives a delicately smelling bottom dropping what I think.

I am incapable of applying the lessons of mistakes made in the past to the justice system nowadays. Hell, I cannot even stop stalking after serving time for that very thing. I just wanted to talk you know. Usually at three in the morning from a phone box near my house but I just wanted to reach out to another person. That is what stalking is, it is just a need to communicate which should be repeated as often as possible. Sooner or later the stalked person will accept your intellerigearnt words of wisdom and agree to bow down before your feminine form and throw rosewater before your footfall. Then everyone is happy.

I DO have a type of personal agenda in what I'm saying. I want her to be talking about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE not silly faddish civil rights, a subject I am only too happy to demonstrate my staggering ignorance on.

Did you know the Special branch, special trees and special gardeners are all out to get me? It is because they are in a giant conspiracy with police squad, the wicked witch of the North, her cohort, the webbed man, ex-lawyers, doctors, the met, the mejia, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, Cambridge snail journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, The Eagles, Manchester United football club, the cast of the Blair Witch Project and the whole other ensemble of thousands on the Internet who are all out to get me are all harassing me in a giant conspiracy against me. Despite what the (upheld) conviction and ASBO say they are all making it up and I am the only one telling the truth.

I worked at the Special Branch once. I never received a pay packet from them, mind you, but I worked there as a fab ace brilliant inspired researcher. They let me through their front doors (there is a mistake they will never repeat!) so that counts as being employed by them. I also get to pronounce to everyone the official Special Branch line on everything. If people I pronounce to do not believe me or let me lead their special gang, then I reserve the right to stalk and harass the bejabbers out of them. I think the Special Branch would approve. I know how they think, you know.

I am also spitting with jealousy that the special branch revealed a secret to the Wicked Witch of the North and she blogged about it recently. They are my special friends NOT YOURS. I am the only one who knows their secrets NOT YOU.

On the bright side, I now know Guantanamo is a bay and not an Island as I pronounced upon before. There was a desert storm which re-attached it to the mainland. That was what happened. I have spoken; let that be the definitive word on the matter. End of.

My support of indefinite incarceration is going to be the catalyst to bring a lot of people together. Just like everything else I do brings a lot of people together. Every time I am accused of harassment (convicted and upheld) stalking, lying, maligning innocent people, slander, intimidation and being an email and a phone pest it tends to make people turn firmly from me and to each other. People are so picky.

The 7/7 research and investigation involved nothing I know anything about. I am furious about this. Completely raging. I have been pushed to the outside because I am a harasser (convicted and upheld) a stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator and an email and a phone pest and it is all the fault of the people who accused me of this sort of behaviour. There was also the small matter of theft from the National Archives that I don’t tend to talk about too much. * Girlish giggle *

I am so glad to point out that there is a human rights solicitor being given negative press. My humans rights are the only ones which count ... all others are faddy time wasting nonsense.

I have done so much to ignore other people’s human rights (like to be left the HELL alone when asked) there simply cannot be any time for solicitors to defend anyone except me. If solicitors went about defending all those whose rights I violated, then there would never be anyone free to defend Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I also give myself bonus points for slagging someone off who nominated the Wicket Witch of the North for the “most Wizard woman” prize AND (this is the best one) take a dig at someone who is friends with the founders of R&R, the latest in the long catalogue of my betrayers.

MY Human Rights ( not faddy) and personal and political agendas ( faddy) don't mix. I simply do not get people who stand up for a group of people or a cause. They is way outside my small narrow selfish little sphere of existence. Bob Geldof? What a faddy time wasting piece of nonsense he is. Imagine wanting to feed the world. My achievement of stalking the world is a much worthier accomplishment.

I have spoken; let that be the end of the matter. End of.

Remember, all you need is love!

Newspeak: perhpas


Monday, 9 June 2008


You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

Frequency of screeching (is not) abated...

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

I believe so much in Freedom of Speech that I frequently don’t bother my arse turning up in court to defend my “right”. I believe so much in my right to free speech that I cram everything I have to say down everyone’s necks. Sometimes it even takes 100s of phone calls and emails for me to come to my point but I persevere even when I am asked not to.

I should be able to say anything about anyone that I want. Anyone who says anything about me is of course guilty of libel and slander.

“ sold down the river” “Hickman and Rose” GUESS WHO I HAVE FALLEN OUT WITH????? Answers in an email please (but not ones like the abusive ones I used to send)

“Trial Counsel's foolish, groundless and spiteful gestures” “wayward Judge” “ shambles” Media politics of a few within the legal system” “Media agendas” ”vendetta” Have I mentioned lately that EVERYONE is out to get me?

Personally I think people should not make idiotic and inciting dangerous remarks in front of large crowds. Despite this, I still go on blogging but then my audience is restricted to the few, the silly and a hit-whore. I don’t think anyone I fall out with should be popular, well-liked AND published. I don’t think that their friends should stick up for them if I am harassing them.

I should be allowed to say what I want when I want. End of. I have spoken; let that be the end of it.

They are trying to shut me up because there is a conspiracy against me. There is a big grown-up John Le Carre type thriller being played out in the background with me as the shining lynch-pin trapped like a drunken butterfly in the epicentre of the national and international storm being followed with baited breath by ALL SORTS OF IMPOTANT PEOPLE. They (my false accusers) want to stop me from perusing such innocent past-times as stalking, lying, maligning, slandering, intimidating, harassing, and pestering. The huge top-secret James Bond agenda reason they want to do this is for their own personal convenience. Imagine that!

“Law” “argue the hind legs off a donkey” “rarely looks in the mirror and examines itself in the face” Ed. No. 2 – wouldn’t it be examining itself in the mirror in this scenario?) GUESS WHO I HAVE FALLEN OUT WITH????? Answers in an email please (but not ones like the abusive ones I used to send)

“ the Guardian” “libel and slander campaign” “ police abuses” “ the Times Newspaper” ” Daily Telegraph”

In an internet first, I have admitted that my blog was deleted rather than merely suspended as has been my stance all along. It is currently in my solicitor’s office, the weight of it is sufficient to hold the 2nd floor fire door open so they keep it in the cellar should that need ever arise. That’s 1 down, so only another 998 lies to come clean on .....

Remember, all you need is love!



No one should have their human rights defended except me

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
My humans rights are the only ones which count ... all others are faddy time wasting nonsense

I have done so much to ignore other people’s human rights (like to be left the HELL alone when asked) there simply cannot be any time for solicitors to defend anyone except me. If solicitors went about defending all those whose rights I violated, then there would never be anyone free to defend Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

If you don't want to be arrested outside the Houses of Parliament, don't fling rotten eggs? I would have thought it was a fairly simple historic question. (except it is not a question – Ed. No.1) I simply do not get people who stand up for a group of people or a cause. They is way outside my small narrow selfish little sphere of existence. Bob Geldof? What a faddy time wasting piece of nonsense he is. Imagine wanting to feed the world. My achievement of stalking the world is a much worthier accomplishment.

No Human Rights solicitor should ever defend the human rights of anyone except me. End of. I have spoken; let that be the end of the matter.

“ self promoting faddism” “Hickman and Rose.” “.Sometimes people won't see wood for trees“GUESS WHO I HAVE FALLEN OUT WITH????? Answers in an email please (but not ones like the abusive ones I used to send)

I’ll put my solicitors name and company in this post in the hope that * certain * people will email him and he will be able to see for himself that police squad, the wicked witch of the North, her cohort, the webbed man, ex-lawyers, doctors, the met, special branch, special trees, special gardeners, the media, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, Cambridge snail journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, The Eagles, Manchester United football club and the whole other cast of thousands on the internet who are all out to get me are all harassing me in a giant conspiracy against me. Despite what the (upheld) conviction and ASBO say they are all making it up and I am the only one telling the truth.

I am going to have a dig at the wicked witch of the North here by saying that she runs around like Chicken Little getting things wrong. Perhaps it will get me a reaction. That is all I want. A reaction, someone paying attention. WHY ARE ALL THE BLOGGERS IGNORING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?

I never read her blog or mention anything on it you know!

Remember, all you need is love!

Newspeak: who's rights, tarrif, persuing, serveyed


Friday, 6 June 2008

A new wanted campaign

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)

Remember, all you need is love!

PTS and defendants

You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)


...... so I shall talk about a woman who died in prison who was on remand at the time so it was an entirely different scenario than the one I embroiled myself in.

I shall talk about this dead girl's Mother who was a human rights campaigner that my gorgeous hunky lovely intimate close sandwich-providing friend who is a solicitor represented for free. ( General comment with no directed reference to anyone.)

"Did you know that defendants in court are probably experiencing interrupted sleep, insommnia, difficulties concentrating for lengthy periods, vivid and startling dreams, loss of appetite and other genuine forms of disorientation" It is called GUILT. The trick is never to admit to it. I love swimming in big Egyptian ponds, me.

I never comment on the site of those who mock me ..... using my real name that is!

The handsome sandwich-provider did not represent me for free. Mind you, I am not a human rights campaigner. I have no human interest at heart except my own self-preservation at the expense of the time and money of others. I am an internaliser wot entered Psychiatry with a degree in Clinical Psychology from a Polytechnic. That is how I know big medical words like that which mean very little apart from I think everyone should look at ME, everyone should admire ME, everyone should defer to ME and no woman should be more young/pretty/talented/published or clever than MEEEEEEEEEE. ( General comment with no directed reference to anyone.)

Perhaps one day I shall get the Nobel peace prize for stalking. Now, there is something to aspire to. Perhaps by then my gorgeous hunky lovely intimate close friend who is a solicitor will represent me for free then. ( General comment with no directed reference to anyone.)

"solicitors' "fanciful snootiness and parlance" "no empathy" "a farce" "a gossip" "arrogance" "condescension" "idealistic waffle" "backward Justice System"
GUESS WHO I HAVE FALLEN OUT WITH????? Answers in an email please (but not ones like the abusive ones I used to send)

Remember, all you need is love!

New spell: maneuvering, internaliser, insommnia, cemetary, scapegoated, 'summings up',