You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
I never make a fuss.
I never ever make a fuss. Did you hear me? I NEVER make a fuss. At all, ever.
I never even talk about how I never ever make a fuss. Did you hear me? I NEVER EVER talk about how I never ever make a fuss. At all, ever.
I never even talk about how I never ever make a fuss especially on the blogs. Did you hear me? I NEVER EVER talk about how I never ever make a fuss especially on the blogs.
N.E.V.E.R. E,V,E,R.
I am going to keep harping on about 'faddists with a personal and political agenda' because I am under the impression that my angry, fruitless, cricket-clacking in the distance is causing any of my accusers to spare a thought for my opinion. The way some of them are carrying on, you would swear they didn't give a hoot about my opinion. However I know different, this is because I am an ace researcher (qualified) and entered Psychiatry with a degree in Clinical Psychology from a Polytecnic.(sp)
Those bail conditions that Mr. Beardy has been given are a slap to someone unspecified's face. 'Not to contact Osama Bin Laden.' I have been told by a court of law not to contact or write about .... Special branch, special trees, special gardeners, police squad, the wicket witch of the North, the webbed man, ex-lawyers, doctors, the met, the mejia, men from Oxo-land, women from Loon Loon land, bloggers, poets, the RCJ, the whole of Cambridge, Cambridge snail journalists, gap-year students, all the staff of DKNY, a burren of foxes, Sharon Stone, Clint Eastwood, The Eagles, Manchester United football club, the cast of the Blair Witch Project and the whole other ensemble of thousands on the Internet who are all out to get me by harassing me as part of the giant conspiracy against me .... but do I obey that? Do I hell! That is why I have the insider knowledge to predict that this Mr. Beardy will not stick to the terms of his release either.
So what if Judges only apply the law of the land? So what if someone wants something changed in the law and the correct way to do it is to gather like-minded supporters, lobby parliament and get the law amended? I have a better way, call for the Judge who makes any decision that one does not like to be kicked off the bench!
I DO have a type of personal agenda the political changes I am calling for. I hate Judges because they always insist on finding me guilty but I refute completely that the personal is ever the political. I am so feminine and complicated ... * sigh *
It is not fair that I got an ASBO for harassment (convicted and upheld) stalking, lying, maligning innocent people, slander, intimidation and being an email and a phone pest and he is merely put under house arrest (for being part of a murderous-bastard organisation - ed.) The message I am trying to get across is that I should not have been jailed or given an ASBO for harassment (convicted and upheld) stalking, lying, maligning innocent people, slander, intimidation and being an email and a phone pest.
A simple 16-year-old was wrapped in explosives vests and stopped by Israeli forces at a West Bank checkpoint. All the Human Rights Groups have ignored this fact. (Except Amnesty International -Ed.) All right, except Amnesty International, all the Human Rights Groups have ignored this. (Except Save the Children - Ed. no. 2) All right, except Amnesty International and save the Children, all the Human Rights Groups have ignored this.
Of course what I really want to do is belittle the London based Human Rights lawyer who nominated the Wicker Witch of the North for the “most Wizard woman” prize AND take a dig at someone who is friends with the founders of R&R, the latest in the long catalogue of my betrayers.
Who cares if she has no experience in this area and no published speciality in Children's law? Who cares if there are people with more experience in this matter speaking out instead? She did not speak out on this issue and that is the point.
Speaking out on a subject I have no experience in or context of has never stopped me!
In reality, I think using unfortunate children to make your point is an excellent and effective idea. Hell, I wrote a blog post on that basis but remember, the personal is never the political. E,V,E,R.
Remember, all you need is love!
Norma Jean
2 years ago