You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
Leave me to talk about things
..... I might actually write something showing rare intelligence, insight and sympathy about the shocking things that went on in Nazi concentration camps.
However I shall ruin it in the next paragraph by referring to my false accuser and call her a fascist. What, did you think I was going to turn into a moving, logical and considerate writer ? Hah! That will be the day!
I never talk about my false accuser. Did you hear me? I NEVER talk about her. At all, ever.
I never even talk about how little I talk about her. Did you hear me? I NEVER EVER talk about her or talk about how little I talk about her. At all, ever.
I never take anything she has written about and make a post out of it. Did you hear me I NEVER EVER talk about her or talk about how little I talk about her or read what she writes. At all, ever.
I never ever take a pop at anyone she links to either. Did you hear me I NEVER EVER talk about her or talk about how little I talk about her or read what she writes or take a pop at her friends in the Bloggospheresville. At all, ever.
I worked at the Special Branch once. I never received a pay packet from them, mind you, but I worked there as a fab ace brilliant inspired researcher. They let me through their front doors (there is a mistake they will never repeat!) so that counts as being employed by them. I also get to pronounce to everyone the official Special Branch line on everything. If they do not believe me or let me lead their special gang, then I reserve the right to stalk and harass the bejabbers out of them. I think the Special Branch would approve. I know how they think, you know.
I wish everyone would stop writing about WW2 as I am clearly the only one who knows anything about it. Just like I want to be the Oracle for what the Special Branch are thinking, I should be the beginning and end of all research about what went on before I was born.
No-one should write about anything that went on unless they were actually there. No-one except me, that is, and I should be regarded as the fount of all knowledge about everything.
Have I mentioned I have no appreciation for irony whatsoever?
Remember, all you need is love!
Newspeak: tendancies, chunterers “their must be something wrong”
Norma Jean
2 years ago