You've read what she said now here is what she really means: (Free translation service provided by All_you_need_is_love)
Allove productions presents: A play in four acts. A summery of the events of the last few days as screamed by the internet harpie Mizz Malicity Loude. Take it away Mizz Lewde.
A woman walks on stage. It is empty.
A long spotlight beams onto her face.
She is carrying the spotlight.
She begins to sing in a voice which goes from out of tune hell-bound screeching to window-shattering whining in one note.
Noticing the stalls are empty and the last reviews she received are from last years papers which blow in the doors of the empty theatre, she screams louder.
Here are her words:
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Good grief (She's off again)
I never talk about my false accuser. Did you hear me? I NEVER talk about her. At all, ever.
I never even talk about how little I talk about her. Did you hear me? I NEVER EVER talk about her or talk about how little I talk about her. At all, ever.
I never take anything she has written about and make a post out of it. Did you hear me I NEVER EVER talk about her or talk about how little I talk about her or read what she writes. At all, ever.
Have I mentioned a judge I met recently hadn't read a charge sheet in front of him?
Have I mentioned recently that my trail Counsel was trying to prevent me from presenting evidence for HIS OWN PERSONAL REASONS? In the little play I was running in my head he wanted me and I spurned him. That is why he stopped me from presenting 4000 excellent recipies to the court, IT WAS PERSONAL!
I helped my solicitor compile them you know. Girlie giggle and guess what I am hinting at ??!!
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Have I mentioned recently that my trail Counsel did not treat me with the due care I feel I should be given? Dammit, he should have been on his hands and knees worshipping me!
Have I mentioned I had 4000 excellent recipies to share and I never got the chance?
My solicitor helped me compile them you know. Girlie giggle and guess what I am hinting at ??!!
Have I mentioned a judge I met recently was negligent?
Can you believe I have been accused of harassment two and NOT for the first time? Well, the fact I have been accused three times and the conviction was upheld after appeal this last time, has TAUGHT ME NOTHING AT ALL except for the fact I am even more innocent and lovely and delicate than ever. It was all the barrister's fault those last times.
Every time I am accused of harassment, it is a vendetta against me and NOTHING to do with the fact that I am a (convicted and upheld) stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator, a harasser, an email and a phone pest. That sort of behaviour tends to make courts find one guilty no matter how loudly one screams the opposite. Courts are so picky.
I refer to my solicitor by his first name. Girlie giggle and guess what I am hinting at ??!!
Wonder if I can find a judge stupid enough to believe me as white as I paint myself?
Today though I just felt like burying my head under a pillow and forgetting the existence of the world and his wife but I fought against it and here I am in the internet cafe again. You lucky lucky people.
Have I mentioned I had 4000 excellent recipies to share?
Everyone in the world knows about Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you know.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Thoughts on Harassment 2 and its many victims
Have I mentioned a judge I met recently was an ass?
I am a convicted (and upheld) stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator, a harasser, an email and a phone pest but that does not matter as the law regarding this (Harassment2) is used by malicious people to make false alligations about others.
The way I see it, that makes me innocent. Hooray.
All the world's a stage and the men and women are but my victims
My best friend, my source of strenght, my confidant, my provider of sandwiches, my solicitor (who was not in court with me) has not told me that my appeal has been dismissed. My conviction for being a stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator, a harasser, an email and a phone pest has been upheld. No, he did not tell me, an anon commenter on my blog told me.
Trail Counsel was not faithful to me, the adulterous MAN.
The CPS barrister actually dared to do his job and interupted me. He is a MAN too.
They actually wanted me to tell the truth you know, they tried to be the puppeteers who manipulated this Judy into telling the what really happened. If only I had a cosh to make a Punch out of them. MEN!
Have I mentioned the judge was not listening. He did not look at me with the lovelight in his eyes and gently and delicately examine the FOUR LEVER ARCH FILES I laid before him as my offering to his manliness. The MAN!
I am as Desdemona stabbed by my betrayer of a Trail Counsel.
This is a complicated case. You might think that this case was about me being a stalker, a liar, a maligner of innocent people, a slanderer, an intimidator, a harasser, an email and a phone pest but it is much more complex than that. A whole four lever arch files more complicated.
I am innocent, I said so in emails to my solicitor therefore it is true. If I write it on my blog or email it, that makes it true. End of.
By the 2nd day I had a partially walking leg, badly stressed hair and tired broken fingernails and it was all Trail Counsel's fault I wanted him to intimidate the CPS witnesses but he wouldn't.
He dared suggest my 4000 recipies were irrelevant! So I went on the stand and tried to introduce evidence myself. I interupted Trail Counsel. I interupted the judge. Just because someone asks you to stop doing something (like harassing them for instance) why on Earth should you if you are in the right????
So because things were not going my way, I am suffering today. Because of partially walking leg, badly stressed hair and tired broken fingernails, I can only make it as far as the internet cafe to blog, I cannot make it to the court to attend my own appeal that I wanted held.
So I faxed the judge hearing my appeal. Yes, I wanted the judge to hear my side without the interuption of my trail Trail Counsel, CPS or anyone else trying to get me to tell the truth.
Now I am considering going to the CCRC and dragging my sorry arse, sorry this, sorry saga out for another round. Now, what symptoms can I come up with if that one doesn't go my way?
I didn't have enough time since I was origionally convicted (and jailed) of this charge, nearly a year ago to prepare an appeal. That was the problem.
1 year, 4000 pages, 200 hours, 4 lever arch files were just were not enough time and effort to prepare an appeal against my conviction.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Guilty, apparently ( The judge thought I was, when dismissing my appeal)
I haven't spoken to my solicitor, he seems curiously hard to get on the phone but I just know he arranged an ajourment. We are like * that * you know. Girlish giggle.
Trail council ... it was his fault.
The judge is not to blame yet but I expect I'll put my claws in him later.
Update re lies/illusions below...
I faxed the judge hearing my appeal. Yes, I wanted the judge to hear my side without the interuption of my trail Trail Counsel, CPS or anyone else trying to get me to tell the truth.
Have I mentioned my two biggest pieces of evidence? Time to exhibit the badly stressed hair and tired broken fingernails, I think. Off I go to the Doc and not to the court which is full of those nasty people wanting to get on with their lives which continue to be interupted by my using the courts as a revolving door.
It is not going my way so I feel an accusation of betrayal coming on. Wonder who this one will land on?
My solicitor and I spent 200 hours alone ... TOGETHER compiling the evidence. Girlie giggle and guess what I am hinting at ??!! At the end of that time, he finally agreed that I should submit it all, albeit through gritted teeth and with the words, "if you must".
Now that he knows I am not there my solicitor (girlish giggle) is in court.
I am waiting to see the doctor by sitting in an internet cafe and logging into streamsofuttergoo every two hours or so.
I got an mass mail invite to some free exhibit or other in the local museam. See, the leaflet distributers where I live don't care that I am up before the beak. So much for the influence of the mighty Judges!
Update: Trail council has run screaming from the case whilst tearing his hair out. To think they say men can't multi-task!
Remember, all you need is love!
Norma Jean
2 years ago